Saturday, September 27, 2008

Here's a taste of my camp nursing experience... hope everyone is doing well!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Are you my nurse? (oh yeah im a real nurse now:)))

Hi everyone! Thought i'd also contribute to our blog... I cant believe we are real nurses now!! Its been such a long journey just to be where we are now. Who would have thought that after you graduate you still have to go through so much just to not feel nauseaous at work. I work at Saddleback hospital on Med/Surg Orthopedics. The new grad orientation was so intense and so many hours, i felt like i was back at school. Then i was back to preceptorship like in nursing school. I'm on my own now for about 10 shifts and its nice to be resposible for your own patients and decide on all their care. At first i was seriously nauseous from being nervous but now i'm doing okay and i decided i wont quit :)) Or that i cant quit because i have to pay off my loans. Just like 5 shifts ago i would have said i hate nursing, it was so stressful in the beginning. One of my favorite days was when i discharged a confused patient and didnt call the family so he was just outside of the hospital all by himself, waiting for no one :) oops I'm sure none of you guys would do that, but i'm special i guess. :) These days i'm really enjoying nursing as i get more efficient and get to interact more with my patients instead of looking up every medication that i'm giving or just keeping up with charting. I think our teachers definitely prepared us for giving wholistic care, its nice to consider all the aspects of the patient and attempt to fulfill those needs under the time constraints that we have. I feel like each day is like a puzzle and you try to complete every piece that you are responsible for before the next shift. This blog is a nice idea to keep up with what everyone is doing. Thank God for all that he has done to prepare us for our mission in life as nurses, it feels so much more than a job or career. You definitely have to be called to do this.. Will be praying for all of you guys to practice safely :))