Sunday, June 22, 2008

Cindy Look-a-Like

So last week I got my ACLS cert and the instrutor of the class was Cindy's twin!! Not only did they physically look alike (if you know what I mean) but they had the same personality. It was quite entertaining. However, this one swore up a storm all through the class, saying the f-word, ass, b-word, the whole thing. It was an eye opener to realize Im not the Biola Bubble anymore. People swear and smoke and are mean in the real world!! I kinda miss my bubble...



Heidi said...

haha... so glad you shared Danielle! Yah, I'm kind of thinking it will be culture shock to experience my non-Biola bubble in two weeks!!! How long was your ACLS class?

Danielle said...

1.5 days. Not too bad. It should have been way harder than it was.