Tuesday, June 24, 2008

My First Day!

Yes, it has come and gone already! Can you believe it??! I can't. I was sitting in Orientation, sometimes completely paying attention and at other moments I found myself thinking, "No way, this is my first day of my career? I don't feel old enough, or ready enough" I think I am still in a phase of denial that summer break is over so fast, but I am so nervous, excited, etc about starting. So it was a lot of talking, listening, taking notes, hospital, benefits, etc type info...AND I got my badge, which was probably the highlight of my day!
And just when I thought I was done buying textbooks...yep, I had to go out and buy an Emergency Nursing textbook cause I need to have 10 chapters read in a couple weeks...let the training begin, right? Again, I still can't believe I am here! I have yet to take the NCLEX (which I will take in July) but I am laughing at myself and wondering when I am going to study with all this new material and classes, etc that make up my New Grad program.
Danielle, I know what you mean about being outside the bubble! It has been my prayer not only for me, but all of us, that we would be salt and light where He has called and placed each of us. The world needs the love, grace and joy of Jesus and it's truely exciting to me to think that the God of the universe can work through us to share His Truth with those who really don't know it and are in desparate need of it.
Sorry this post got so long, but I definately wanted to share my first day and my heart with you guys. Miss you!


Danielle said...

Oh my goodness, thanks for sharing Denise and thanks for the encouragement. I cant believe you started. Does your name badge say "RN, BSN"? :)

Haley Koning said...

way to go denise...we're so proud of you!

Alissa said...

Yay Denise!

What ER text book did you have to buy?

Denise said...

Hey guys! Sorry, I just say I had extra comments on my posts (still figuring out this blog!)

Danielle, my badge currently says:
Denise Rikalo
Clinical Nurse, IP...

BUT, when I pass the NCLEX, St. Joe's does put RN, BSN on their badges :)

Alissa, we bought Sheehy's Emergency Nurse Principles and Practice, 5th Edition; it's put out by the Emergency Nurse's Association...apparently a really good book, but they are due for an updated version, but it's not available yet. I like it so far except it's in black and white like our Older Adult book, so the cool ER pictures aren't quite as exciting as they could be :(

Thanks for the love and support guys!
(I like this blog, way to go Haley!!!)