Wednesday, August 13, 2008


well i officially started work at CHOC on friday and i just wanted you all to know that it is not the same without you guys!  i mean it's fun meeting new people and all but i definitely think we had an amazing all the orientation stuff that i'm going through right now is SO BORING!  it's fun though too, yesterday our leader lead us in the game of "i've never"...never thought i would do that in the workplace!  anyways, hope all of you guys are doing well and that jobs are going amazingly, miss you all.



Mrs. Conrad said...

how to i post something? i'm still not sure how to use this thing or even if i'm doing anything right?

Je'Nelle said...

i's not the same without you all. i miss you all tons! but the other girls in my new grad residency program are great and God blessed me with another great Chrisitan girl, so that's been awesome! I've been in classes and orientation so far (i just started last week) but wed. is my first shift with my preceptor...pretty excited to finally have patients. Maybe this whole RN thing will finally feel real... :o)
..and yes Mrs. posted right. :o)