Sunday, November 9, 2008

my experience...

hey all...i miss you guys tons!!!  i'm so glad to see at least a few people posting on the blog, i'm starting to miss you guys.  i've been trying to think of ways to explain my work, here's my best:  i'm still preceptoring (which is a godsend...knowing all the types of chemo and various cancers and blood disorders is too much right now) but i'm pretty independent within the preceptoring situation.  sometimes i feel like my day is filled with looking at chemo, giving a ton of meds to protect side effects of that chemo, giving tons of shots, asking the kiddos if they have pain, and dealing with central lines (why did we not deal with those in school???)  so far 2 of my patients have died and one more is actively dying, it's really hard to deal with emotionally but i'm so glad that the Lord has me on this floor for "such a time as this".  

i don't know about you guys but while i love the floor that i'm on, nursing is a lot heavier than i was anticipating.  i am constantly overwhelmed at all of my responsibilities and feel bogged down with trying to keep people alive while giving them poison that could sometimes kill them just as easily as the cancer would.  while nursing is way more than i feel ready for i know without a doubt that i'm in the right place and that's what keeps me going.  so yeah, it's overwhelming but i also like it, in a confusing twisted sort of way.

anyways, yeah, more updates to come, i promise:)  miss you guys tons!

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Haley I'm so glad you shared all of that! It's always nice to hear what others are going through... oh man. Can I just say that I think there is a MAJOR lack of posting on this blog? I like hearing that I'm not the only one feeling like I'm going crazy at work. Miss you all!