Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Calling Report

Hello fellow Nurses!!

I don't think I have actually made a post yet, but I love reading everybody's and hearing what's going on with you all...so I thought I should probably contribute at some point. Well, life as an ER nurse at St. Joe's is hectic but good for the most part. Most days I question why in the world I thought I wanted to start out in such a fast paced department! I am not exaggerating, every shift I have worked for the last 2 1/2 weeks, I have had critical patients every night, for just about the entire shift, and each time I rush one to the CV-ICU or to the OR, I turn around and have a new one coming in right behind them.

Last night was one of those nights as well. I got to assist our ER doc with the placement of a chest tube for our pt. with a spontaneous pneumo and I was resp. for the conscious sedation...AGH! something we learned when I was hired and I haven't had to do yet, so that was fun trying to fumble through the fat packet and make sure I was doing everything right. But it went well, the chest tube was placed, the pt's lung immediately re-expanded (as verified by a repeat CXR) and then the best part came! I got to call report up to the receiving RN...

I was on hold for a couple minutes and then I heard someone answer but couldn't quite hear and I said, "I'm sorry, what's your name?" and the voice on the other end said, "Kyle." And I said, "Kyle Compann?!?" and then I heard a little laugh and "no way!" So I got to hand of my pt to a former classmate and then transport the pt. upstairs and see Kyle!

So, there's a glimpse into my work world...Other than nursing, I am a proud new Auntie and I have an adorable puppy named Roxy...photos on Facebook for any of you who are interested! Well, hope you are all doing well! Signing off for now...


Heidi said...

Denise I love it! I wish I worked with someone like some of you guys! Life at UCD is getting better, but I still miss you all!!!

Haley Koning said...

love the story denise! i'm still waiting for the day though that you transport a kid to my floor...my heart pitter patters every time we get an admit from you!!! he he, keep up the good work!

Je'Nelle said...

fun! sounds amazing. i wish i worked with you all too!!! we should all just go work at the same hospital. ok...ok. done :)