Saturday, March 28, 2009

Hello friends,

Just wanted to write and give a small update on me. I'm up in the Santa Clarita valley (Chris took a job as a teacher up here, so I found a job to fit). I'm working tele and have been on my own since the middle of February and still feel like I don't know what I'm doing a lot of times. I really like the atmosphere of where I work. The people I work with are very supportive and since it's a catholic hospital it is very values based.

On a different note, I am pregnant again! :) I'm due August 5th which means I'm in my 5th month now. So far both mommy and baby are healthy, praise God.

Hoping all is well with you,


Aimers said...

Congrats Sheri. That is so exciting about your new bundle of joy!

Heidi said...

congratulations Sheri! :)

Je'Nelle said...

wow! congratulations!!! i'm so excited for you! are you going to find out the sex or wait? you'll have to keep us updated

Alissa said...

Aw Sheri, I'm so happy for you! Thanks for posting, I was thinking of you guys the other day and wondering where you ended up =)