I have recently been somewhat frustrated with my job.....mostly because I feel like I want to be doing something more as a nurse than just passing out pain meds to surgical patients, making sure they can pee after I pull their foley, and that they can at least pass gas, if not go the extra mile and get them to poop post-op.
Oh the joys of a surgical floor...haha!
Yesterday I had this patient, and unfortunately she has become somewhat of a frequent flyer because of complications with the multiple surgeries she's had. We found out yesterday that it's looking like her cancer is back and her prognosis is poor. As I was walking out the door, purse and lunchbox in hand, the surgeon asked if I would round on her with him....which I just felt like I needed to be there to hear the news, so I went down to her room and was there as they faced overwhelming news. After he left I stayed and asked if I could pray with her and her husband. It was one of those moments when you can absolutely feel the presence of God and we all knew He was there with us. It was a truly amazing moment, and although it had been a long exhausting day, I was so blessed by having stayed there. When I was done praying, we were all in tears and she said, "Thank you. You are truly doing the Lord's work here."
It was a huge reminder that spiritual care is SOOO important, and if you can find those moments, it makes your whole day worth it.
So I encourage you, spread the love of Jesus to your patients, no matter where you work, because whether in the ED, ICU, L&D, or out in the "mission field" we are truly about the Lord's work.
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