Saturday, November 22, 2008

how do i put this gently...

i never thought i would be the first one (although someone else might be out there and just not talkin') but SURPRISE!!!....andy and i are pregnant!  i know, totally unplanned and crazy but we're super excited!  we actually just moved to orange about a week ago into this AMAZING townhome so i guess the timing isn't quite as bad as we first thought.  i'm only about two months in and due approximately july 8th.  so yeah, crazy!  i had a sonogram because i was having some complications so i'll go ahead and post it (exciting but also just a black dot, ha ha)  so yeah, and heads up in your e-mails, i want to make sure i have an updated list of everyone's addresses so i can send out christmas you guys and miss you all, and if you're ever in orange county let me know!


Danielle said...

Yeah! Herman is SO CUTE! ;) And PS WHO ELSE IS PREGNANT!? Lo, Ashley, Annie - SPILL IT PEOPLE!!!

ashley said...

i wish... until then i get to live vicariously through haley!

Alissa said...

Ahhhh! Congrats Haley! That is so exciting!!!

Je'Nelle said...

Herman? apparently i missed something...must be a bluefield thing...
anyways! OMGoodness haley! I'm so excited for you!!!!


Emily June said...

WOW!!! Congratulations Haley! :) Are the complications serious? I'll be praying for you guys, keep us updated!

Margaret said...

That's so exciting! Come to Long Beach and I'll be your L&D nurse! ;)